Saturday, December 6, 2008

What IS Acai?

The Acai Berry
(Pronounced Ah-Sah-Ee) is quite possibly the most magical food on our planet! It grows on palm trees in the lush Amazon rainforest and has earned itself the prestigious nickname Nature's Multivitamin! Its magic comes in the form of amazing health-enhancing, weight loss promoting, energy-boosting nutrition.

The Acai Berry is chock full of phytonutrients, fiber, protein, trace minerals, and both amino and fatty acids (omegas 3, 6, and 9), and it contains up to 33 times the antioxidants found in red grapes! It even made Dr. Nicholas Perricone's "Top 10 Superfoods In The World" list. Guess where it ranked.

Yep, that's right... #1!

It beat out barley, garlic, and even wheatgrass & other supergreens! This stuff is amazing!

Both Oprah Winfrey and Rachel Ray LOVE the stuff, primarily based on its ability to help you:

  • Lose Weight
  • Increase Energy
  • Strengthen Your Immune System
  • Improve Your Skin, Hair, Nails, and Eyes
  • Heighten Your Mood and Overall Sense of Well-Being
  • Cleanse Your System
  • Lose Weight (Did I Already Mention That? HaHa!)

The Stories Are Truly Incredible:

  • A 39 year old hairdresser discontinues the use of both her antidepressants and sleeping pills after only two weeks of taking Acai!
  • After six months of Acai usage (and NO additional lifestyle changes), A 77 year old man amazes his eye doctor when it is discovered that his cataract has completely disappeared!
  • The power of Acai gives a singer and golfer with Parkinson's disease a new lease on life, drastically reducing his pain & tremors, as well as the majority of his medications!
  • A young woman's gingivitis goes into complete remission. Her dentist commends her on her great oral hygiene. The woman confesses, the only thing she's changed is adding Acai to her diet.
  • A lady who suffers from massive psoriasis of her neck, ears, and elbows, who has been using medicated creams and shampoos for 30 years, tries Acai to help her with a knee problem. After three weeks with Acai, her knee feels great! Even more miraculously, her psoriasis is completely GONE!
One common theme that pervades almost every testimonial I've encountered is fast and massive pain relief. From headaches to arthritis pain, back spasms to injuries and rashes, the Acai Berry seems to kill the pain every time!

Another well-document benefit of Acai is weight loss. 30 pounds here, 68 pounds there. I've seen many, many examples of people who, by utilizing the magic of Acai, have lost literally tons upon tons of body fat!

This stuff is special.

Right now, and only right now, you can get your own Acai Berry Select 100% FREE!

That wasn't a type-o, my friend. Try Acai Berry Select for FREE right now! The offer is extremely limited. It could expire in a few days, perhaps hours, or maybe it already has expired. We're definitely hoping for one of the first two possibilities.

In any case, the bottom line is that you're well advised to give it a look. It could just be the greatest thing you've ever done for YOU! Your life can change dramatically and in quick fashion!

Rock your hottest body yet, and feel phenomenal in the process! Let "Nature's Multivitamin" be your guide to a renewed YOU. Now is the best time to start!

If it's still available, you can enter the FREE TRIAL sign-up page by Clicking Here Now!

I sincerely believe that there has never been another health and weight loss product like this. It is far superior to anything I have ever seen or heard of. Again, the respected Dr. Perricone says it's the most powerful food source that's ever been.

You are truly doing yourself a great disservice if you don't at least try this FREE trial of Acai Berry Select. Don't let this pass you by. You owe it to yourself.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this information with us. Adding bit more to your interesting post I thought of mentioning that many acai berry research programs have exposed that the pulp of the Acai berry has one of the highest antioxidant capacities of all of the healthiest fruits. While strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries and blueberries are all laden with antioxidants, it is believed that the rarer Acai berry contains more than all of these.

Unknown said...

Well, Acai juice, supplements, and preserves are really the only way to allow the healthiness of the acai to travel properly. The acai berry is known to improve your body's immune system. Acai supplements, when manufactured properly, are completely natural and free from any harmful side effects. They should not need to undergo any extensive processing. They need to be freeze dried to maintain their nutrients and are a high quality source for getting all the great benefits of the berries. During this process the pulp from the berry is dehydrated and then frozen before turning it into a powder form.

Store bought smoothies, blends, fruit drinks and products that have acai blended with other fruits will possess the acai name, but won't be as good for you as acai preserved as close to natural as possible. The thing to keep in mind also is that the health effects, such as weight loss, will probably vary from person to person.
Visit for more information Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse

Unknown said...

They should not need to undergo any extensive processing. They need to be freeze dried to maintain their nutrients and are a high quality source for getting all the great benefits of the berries. During this process the pulp from the berry is dehydrated and then frozen before turning it into a powder form.
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Lelly Weol said...

I have read this post.It's really awesome.I have noted some point which make this post excellent. I hope you will keep continue to write other informative and interesting post.Thank you.Acai berry